Cinnamon Sugar Mix

August 24th, 2009 by katie

I keep a large jar of cinnamon sugar in the pantry.  It is nice to have on hand for sprinkling on toast, hot chocolate, popcorn, or pita chips, or for making s’more-dillas, cinnamon rolls, or mixing into whipped butter.  Here is the ratio we use:

Cinnamon Sugar Mix

makes 2 2/3 cups
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2/3 cup cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg, or more to taste
  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt
  1. Combine in jar with a lid.  Mix well.

I suggest buying your cinnamon in bulk if you can.  It will save you quite a bit and this amount lasts a long time in the pantry.

If you only want to mix up a few servings the ratio is 4 tsp cinnamon for every 1/4 cup sugar.

Posted in Breakfast, Condiments, Desserts, Easy, Fast

9 Responses

  1. Nancy

    I have a container of this in my cabinet too for exactly the same reasons. Glad you’re back; hope you enjoyed your break.

  2. cheryl

    Love that you put salt in this. I’ve been putting salt on everything sweet these days (esp. sprinkling it over chocolate chip cookies). Maybe I’ll toss a pinch of cayenne in there, too, just for, well, kicks. That should help wake my kids up in the mornings…

  3. nancy

    I always have a container of this on the go too, but it’s nice to know some proportions. Thanks!

  4. Erin @ One Particular Kitchen

    This is so smart! The Kiddo loves the little containers of cinnamon sugar at the grocery store but holy moly is it expensive that way. Mama’s got some refilling to do!

  5. Tim

    When I made your peach cobbler I had about half a cup of sugar leftover that had been flavoured with cinnamon and nutmeg. I keep wandering past the pantry and smelling it, now I know what to do with it!

  6. Robin Sue

    This is a great mix to have on hand. I have added ginger but never nutmeg, will have to try that. I love the s’moredillas idea!!

  7. marguerite

    I keep this on hand too!! We use it for tons of stuff!

  8. Kevin

    Why don’t you just say 1 tsp to 1 Tbsp instead of 4 tsp to 1/4 cup?

  9. jill

    OMG…I have been eating cinnamon sugar since I was a kid; glad to hear members are able to incorporate it into the diets as a treat!

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cha·os -noun 1. a condition or place of great disorder or confusion. My chaotic kitchen is the result of three kids, two adults, dog, cat, and fish, a food obsession, a wine drinking hobby, and too few hours in the day. Between trying to feed a family of five healthy, happy meals, watching my weight, saving my pennies, and staying partially sane I have picked up a few tricks along the way. So here they are: the very best tips, tricks, and recipes from my chaotic kitchen-to yours!

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