Beyond Merlot: Red Diamond Cabernet Sauvignon

June 6th, 2008 by katie

Beyond Merlot: Wine Reviews for Newbies

One real winner we have found both in taste and price is: Red Diamond Cabernet Sauvignon.  You’ll note I don’t give a year, because so far we’ve yet to have one that wasn’t good.  According to their website the cab is actually a blend with 2% Merlot.  I never realized it but that probably accounts for this wine’s easy drink-ability.  It is fruity and light but with a good mouthfeel.  The best part of this wine is it’s cost.  We’ve seen it from between $7-$12 but look for it around $8.50.  The price makes it a great buy for a group, or take advantage if your grocer has a buy 6 discount. It is very smooth compared to a lot of other under $10 wines and a great first step if you are thinking about branching out.   

Red Diamond Cabernet Sauvignon

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cha·os -noun 1. a condition or place of great disorder or confusion. My chaotic kitchen is the result of three kids, two adults, dog, cat, and fish, a food obsession, a wine drinking hobby, and too few hours in the day. Between trying to feed a family of five healthy, happy meals, watching my weight, saving my pennies, and staying partially sane I have picked up a few tricks along the way. So here they are: the very best tips, tricks, and recipes from my chaotic kitchen-to yours!

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