Beyond Merlot: Kim Crawford Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc
Beyond Merlot: Wine Reviews for Newbies
Sauvignon Blancs can come from many areas, however, those from New Zealand (called Marlboroughs) are especially crisp, acidic and citrusy. In fact, they often smell and taste like a fresh cut lawn, but in a good way. The Kim Crawford Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc is just that: acidic, crisp and tart. It is not “thin” or “watery” as I often find white wines can be, it has a nice body.
I am not a huge white wine fan and this bottle is somewhat expensive-running about $16-$19. However, what makes it to die for is pairing it with White Stilton with Lemon, as recommended by my wine guy. Man, oh man, is it an awesome pairing: the white Stilton is slightly sweet and creamy and tempers the crisp acidity of the wine, yet the lemon peel enhances the citrus punch. If you like white wine, definitely give it a try. If you are considering a wine and cheese party or just like a great wine and cheese pairing try it with the Stilton, you won’t regret it!
Posted in Wine